It’s Friday, what are you thankful for this week?

As we all look forward to Friday and what the weekend holds, I wonder, what are you thankful for at the end of your week?  Are you just wishing your life away by looking so far ahead on Monday for Friday to get here that you forget to enjoy life and it’s precious moments.

Most of us do. Instead, try this – each and every day find something to be thankful for, something to bring and give joy.  In our life as we know it, or have been trained to know we go each day doing the same things, over and over and over.  No joy, nothing being recognized as beautiful in our day and not sharing or helping others.

We rush through our daily: go to work/school, run errands, work, work, work, get home, have dinner, prepare for the next day, go to bed, get up and do it all over again.  No purpose no true meaning to our lives, just doing “stuff”. Like watching a bad movie over and over. Only existing on this earth.  Is that why we are here?  I truly don’t think so.

Have you ever just stopped and looked around and asked yourself, “what am I doing?” and “why?”  Guess what?  YOU can change that.  Nowhere is it written that we HAVE to do these things in this manner.  It’s okay to find joy and beauty and peace and happiness; we have all just forgotten how to do that.  Or maybe we thought once we were all grown up that it wasn’t “allowed” anymore.  Ponder that and on my next post we can talk more on how to find you, your happiness, enjoy life as it is meant to be and all the blessings we have to be thankful for.  Don’t wish your life away just waiting for Friday.

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